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24 Aug 2023

Why conserd traveling to Tanzania with East Africa Safari Guides

East Africa Safari Guides Stand: LT14

Tanzania is fortunate to be home to an extensive diversity of over 120 tribes and amicable inhabitants. It boasts some of the most attractive destinations including the Serengeti National Park, Ngorongoro Crater, Tarangire National Park, Lake Manyara National Park, Mount Kilimanjaro, Mount Meru, Zanzibar Island, Ruaha National Park, and Gombe National Park among others.

In particular, Northern Tanzania shelters the Hadzabe, a distinctive tribe known as one of the last remaining hunter-gatherer communities globally. The Hadza are recognized for their nomadic lifestyle, devoid of material possessions and social hierarchy, moving as required for their subsistence based on hunting game, digging for tubers, and gathering wild berries.

Furthermore, Tanzania is exclusive in being the only location worldwide that offers insight into paleoanthropological history at Oldupai Gorge in Ngorongoro Crater.

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